Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Research Project

Original Idea

Topic:  Cinematography through Photoshop and Studio 3D Max

Question:  Because I want to create not just a picture but a realistic depiction of a building using cinematography. A Photograph that shows more than the building, it makes you feel the space and understand everything about it.

Significance: In order to better communicate a 2 dimensional image by infusing fine art with architecture. 
Topic: I am studying 3d prototyping and how it can benefit architecture through 3d functional systems

Question: Because I want to find out how printing 3 dimensionally can better illustrate the functionality of a building system and how it works.

Significance: In order to improve design communication through a medium of 3d components that visually show what the imagination of the designer is.

Create a file in
3Ds-Max or in Sketch up 

Then export the file as an STL file
This will allow you to open the file in Replicator G 

Replicator G is a very simple 3D printing program
Once in this program load you model
After scaling and making any correction to the model so it will print properly you will then print the model to Makerbots 3D printer

If everything works out the model should print correct

Where I started
I started by looking through Thingiverse to find models that have already been printed out of Makerbot. That way I could get a better Idea of how printing 3 dimensionally works

First I printed this Pirate ship

After printing the ship I got a better idea of what degree the printer can print at without supports. 
For the ship it printed at about a 30 degree angle with no problem.

Next I printed a DaVinci Cryptex 
I printed this to get a better idea of how multiple pieces of plastic would function together based off the there precise measurements in Sketchup
At first I had a lot of trouble printing all of the piece because it took up to much space in the 3d printer. But overall it printed very well. I had to do a little sanding on some pieces in order for them to fit together properly.

Next Step

For my next step I wanted to create a functioning hand crank to understand the process better from Sketchup to the final product
So I started in Sketchup and modeled a hand crank that could be printed 3 dimensionally
This didn’t’ turn out so well. The more I modeled the hand crank the more I realized the printer would not be able to print it. This is because the measurements I was coming up with were 1/256” and the printer only models to about 1/32” 
Here is the hand crank I was working on. This will give a better idea of my process 

Final Step
For my final step I would like to model a wall section that has functioning parts. This will help better illustrate to a client what the designer was thinking when it was designed